About the Company
JSC Investment Holding "E-Union" is working well in the Russian and foreign markets since February 2006. The main goal of our company is to bring about effective financial and investment projects in the Russian and foreign markets.
Main directions of activities:
- Influx of investments to the Russian enterprises.
- Organization of production and sale of products, producing within the specificity of Holding "E-Union" activities, electro technical equipment, hardware
- Enterprise funds and assets management of Holding, including the use of stock market instruments.
- Enterprise restructuring.
- Advising service.
- Realization of perspective, innovation and venture projects in the field of traditional and renewable electrical power engineering.
- Support of project, research, experimental-design and technological works in the field of electrical power engineering.
Maximum efficiency is a fundamental, basic principle, which underlies the basis of all strategic decisions of company management.
We always welcome cooperation and are ready to offer everyone who wants to work efficiently at Russian power market the high quality services corresponding to present level of Russian power market development. We are sure, that our activities designed to apply new work methods and service system perfection promote further quality development of Russian power market.